CP2 Biotech

La missione di CP2 Biotech è portare alla sperimentazione clinica delle molecole bioattive derivanti dalla ricerca di base

Il motto di CP2 è «from bench to bedside.»

Prodotti e servizi

«dal laboratorio alla clinica» ossia «From bench to bedside»

La missione di CP2 è di portare fino alla fase di sperimentazione clinica composti bioattivi sviluppati nei laboratori di ricerca del Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze dell’Università di Milano-Bicocca.

Tutti i composti prototipo (hits) e pilota (leads) per lo sviluppo di farmaci sono brevettati e proprietà dell’Università Bicocca. L’attività di CP2 è perciò focalizzata alla valorizzazione di molecole sintetiche, naturali e semisintetiche derivate da trasformazione chimica di sostanze naturali, attraverso la realizzazione dei seguenti passaggi della fase preclinica:

  • Computer-assisted drug design
  • Sintesi di hit compounds
  • Esperimenti in vitro di interazione con il target, attraverso tecniche SPR, NMR, calorimetriche
  • Da Hit a lead: farmacocinetica, metabolismo, stabilità, tossicità in vitro ed in vivo.

I principali assets della spinoffs riguardano attualmente candidati farmaci nei seguenti settori:

  •  adiuvanti vaccinali (in collaborazione con Croda)
  • farmaci per Immunoterapia tumorale
  • Farmaci diretti al dolore neuropatico ed alle neuroinfiammazioni
  • Farmaci contro Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Farmaci per infiammazioni vascolari ed aterosclerosi


Prof. Barbara Costa (cofondatrice), Prof. Francesco Peri (fondatore), Dott. Matteo Piazza (amministratore unico)


Francesco Peri: francesco.peri@unimib.it;

Barbara Costa: barbara.costa@unimib.it;

Matteo Piazza: mpiazza@menarini-biotech.it



Trix SRL, born from the union of IT and patent experts with varied previous professional experiences, is a spinoff of the University of Bergamo that has developed innovative solutions to perform automatic analysis in the technological field.


The focus of Trix is on the automatic and timely extraction of data from textual sources mainly consisting of patents and scientific articles. The results are summarised in various types of infographics addressed to decision makers in different company functions such as R&D and marketing.

The internal workflow involves an initial request from the client which results in the creation of a document database, subsequently analysed by artificial intelligence systems and ends with the generation of a semi-automatic report based on the initial requests.


Davide Russo, Giancarlo Facoetti


via Pasubio 5 / ang. via Einstein

24044 Dalmine (Bg)

T: +39 035.622.4011

Website: https://www.incubatore.bergamo.it/sito/settore-terziario/437-trix.html



MDQUADRO (Mechatronics and Dynamic Devices) was founded in 2011 by a number of professors and researchers from the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Bergamo. Motivated by years of research and application in the mechanical and mechatronic fields, MDQUADRO deals with the development of mechatronic systems with a high level of innovation and technological content, providing customised solutions based on the specific needs of the client company. The solutions developed by MDQUADRO – from the concept to the executive project up to the realisation and commissioning of the machinery – find application in a wide range of as many industrial sectors.


The solutions developed by MDQUADRO – from the concept to the executive project through to the realisation and commissioning of the machinery – find application in the most diverse industrial sectors.

MDQUADRO always maintains a high level of innovation:

  • Collaborates with various industrial and academic entities
  • Projects that comply with Industry 4.0 directives
  • Member of the Intelligent Factory cluster
  • Registered in the register of innovative SMEs



Michele Carrozza, Paolo Righettini, Roberto Strada, Alberto Claudio Oldani, Andrea Ginammi


Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Kilometro Rosso

Via Stezzano 87 – 24126 Bergamo (BG)

T: +39 035 2052121

E-mail: info@mdquadro.com

Website: https://www.mdquadro.com/



Exolvia srl. The improvement of the Maintenance System passes through the design and coordination of articulated company processes. Making maintenance management more efficient involves both the adoption of techniques and methods typical of maintenance engineering and the revision of processes, as well as the introduction of tools enabling a more efficient management thanks to the adoption of predictive maintenance techniques. The Exolvia team is able to offer you a targeted service according to your real needs with the aim of improving the management of the maintenance system and help you to reduce system inefficiencies and related costs.



  • Assessment: Identification of a change path to improve the efficiency of processes and the skills of maintenance personnel.
  • Maintenance policies: Definition and implementation of the correct maintenance policies (breakdown, scheduled, improvement).
  • Maintenance engineering: Application of the methods and techniques needed to design Maintenance and/or After-Sales Services with a view to continuous improvement.



Enrico Cagnoni (CEO), Emanuele Dovere, Roberto Pinto


Exolvia S.r.l. via Libertà, 2 – 24068 Seriate (BG)

320 8308791 – 349 1476939


Website: https://www.exolvia.com/



Di.Mo.Re. srl (Diagnosis, Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Buildings and Structures) set up in November 2012 as Academic Spin-off of the University of Bergamo for the exploitation and development of research results carried out by the founding partners in the fields of structural health monitoring and diagnostic and in the field of innovative strengthening techniques for the rehabilitation of existing structures and buildings.



  • Structural health monitoring and diagnosis of existing structures;
  • seismic vulnerability assessment, even with innovative methodologies;
  • development and improvement of innovative strengthening techniques, as the use of high performance fiber reinforced concrete, anti-seismic devices for precast industrial buildings, anchors and roof box structures for the anti-seismic strengthening of historic masonry buildings, techniques for the strengthening of public buildings;
  • study and design of multi-purpose interventions for the retrofitting of existing buildings (i.e. coupling structural, energetic and architectural refurbishment) and Life Cycle Thinking approaches for the whole life cycle of the buildings;
  • ex-post retrofitting and strengthening interventions assessment.


Francesca Silveri (CEO), Andrea Belleri, Consuelo Beschi, Nicola Bettini, Roberto Felicetti, Luca Ferrario, Alessandra Marini, Alberto Meda, Paolo Riva, Cristina Zanotti



Via Oberdan 1/A, 25128, Brescia, Italy

Website: https://www.dimore-strutture.com/it/



Argochem srl was born as a spin-off company of the University of Bergamo, for the development of chemicals and their industrial scale-up with the aim to produce coatings for the protection of material surfaces.


Argochem proposes a 3-step approach:

– feasibility study with a standard coating on the surfaces chosen by the customer;

– development of specific coatings on these surfaces;

– scale-up from pilot plant to industrial production.

Argochem offers customers access to its cross-disciplinary technological and research expertise as well as to its partnership networks.

Argochem creates customised solutions in close co-operation with customers, speeding up R&D.


Claudio Colleoni, Giuseppe Rosace, Mauro Sampellegrini


Giuseppe Rosace

Phone Number: +39 035 2052060

E-mail: info@argochem.eu

Website: https://www.argochem.eu/



BigFlo srl  is the result of more than 10 years’ experience in working with Italian and international companies to support them in product development and business problem solving.


The skills, methods and tools to support product and process innovation are divided into:

– Intellectual Property

– innovation

– Patent research

– Eco design

– Product design


Caterina Rizzi, Daniele Regazzoni, Giorgio Colombo, Giancarlo Facoetti, Tiziano Montecchi


E-mail: bigflo@bigflo.it

Website: https://www.bigflo.it/



SAFER srl develops innovative smart labels, which allow to reduce food waste, defining the conservation status of the product, through a patented technology.


Safer addresses food companies and GDO by proposing a patented system.

The proposed system is an intelligent label able to detect the freshness of a food at any moment, during the entire process, and meets the requirements of: safety for the consumer, reliability, ease of use, large-scale applicability, integrated in packaging, sustainable both for the environment and economically.

Safer addresses food companies and large-scale distribution by proposing a patented labeling system. The proposed system is an intelligent label capable of detecting the freshness of a food at any time, satisfying the requirements of: safety for the consumer, reliability, ease to use, large-scale applications, integrated in the packaging, sustainable both for the environment than economically.


Lisa Rita Magnaghi, COO Raffaela Biesuz, CEO Paolo Quadrelli, CTO


Raffaella Biesuz

Phone: +39

E-mail: info@saferlabels.it

Website: http://www.safersmartlabels.com/



Ticinum Aerospace srl provides reliable, customer-oriented solutions taking advantage of machine learning techniques and heterogeneous remote sensing datasets, with the final aim of cutting the costs of uncertainties offering innovative services based on Earth observation and other geospatial data to companies in the risk estimation business and beyond.


Analysis, processing and fusion of Earth Observation and other geospatial datasets for various types of applications, especially in the field of risk and exposure assessment.

  • Street-Level image analysis named CountFloors that allows very fast, large-scale analysis of urban environment for many different application fields, such as risk management and real estate services.
  • SAR data analysis for emergency management
  • Image-Object detection and Classification in spaceborne data
  • Crop Monitoring and (Quality) prediction
  • Food and Earth-Observation Science: the use of remotely sensed data from space, and in-situ environmental data are very powerful in agriculture. Crop monitoring can help in timely alerting about and in tackling effectively possible diseases appearing in their fields.
  • Passive and Active Crowdsourcing


Gianni Cristian Iannelli, CEO; Daniele De Vecchi, CTO; Daniel Aurelio Galeazzo, Developer; Gianni Lisini, HW specialist; Fabio Dell’Acqua, CSO;

Matteo Allais, Pricing Manager; Gianpaolo Paglia, Advisor.


Fabio Dell’Acqua

Phone: +39 0382 1726539; +39 0382 559942

E-mail: info@ticinumaerospace.com

Website: https://www.ticinumaerospace.com/



UB-Care srl is an innovative spin-off that aims to apply scientific research to the market of nutraceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices and food supplements with a strong background in different areas of scientific research and regulations in the markets of interest.

Products and Services

UB-Care consulting service is directed to customers with the need to evaluate solutions to specific biosafety control issues for which specific tests are not yet available. It has its own laboratories operating in these areas:

  • Microbiology Division: analysis of safety and efficacy of finished products, in accordance with current legislative regulations and through internal protocols
  • Cellular Biology and Toxicology Division: evaluation of synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins, molecular mechanisms related to skin aging, pathways related to oxidative stress and tissue regeneration.
  • Molecular Biology Division: evaluation of molecular pathways involved in the efficacy and biocompatibility of raw materials and finished products (Test in vitro).
  • Biochemistry laboratory: chemical, physical and biochemical tests performed to evaluate the structural and efficiency properties of molecules and enzymes.
  • Clinical Division: safety and efficacy assessments of finished products performed on healthy volunteers in compliance with international guidelines and ethical principles established by the Helsinki Declaration. The experimental protocol is created specifically for the customer.


Cristina Maccario
Sabrina Sommatis
Roberto Mocchi


Cristina Maccario
Phone: +39 03821752395
E-mail: info@ub-careitaly.it

Website: https://www.ub-careitaly.it

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