The Innovation Project Fund (IPF) of U4I among the best practices of the Knowledge Valorisation Platform of the European Union
U4I’s Innovation Project Fund (IPF), one of the main tools with which U4I Foundation uses to promote and supports innovative projects with potential economic and social impact born within the three Founding Universities (University of Bergamo, University of Milan-Bicocca and University of Pavia), has been included within the good practices reported by the Knowledge Valorisation Paltform.
Here is the link (link https://bit.ly/3rxwmVv) to the dedicated page.
Important web portal of reference related to innovation, the Knowledge Valorisation Platform’s main objective is to connect public and private actors in the various EU member countries, to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, experiences and best practices able to transform theory into practice, to create sustainable products, processes and services with a positive economic impact.
For U4I Foundation, this is a further opportunity for international visibility and an important stimulus in view of the opening the IPF 2022 call.
What is IPF: IPF is the call that finances research, in any disciplinary field, providing funding to support innovative ideas with the aim of promoting the technological maturity, enhance them with the most appropriate form of legal protection, bring them closer to the market through technology transfer actions such as licensing and / or creation of spin off, and bring them to the attention of possible investors.
In 3 years the IPF call has funded 12 projects, for a total amount of 750 thousand euros.
At this link (link) all the information about the call IPF – Innovation Project Fund of U4I Foundation and how to participate.