Bac3Gel LDA startup is based on a revolutionizing technology to produce artificial mucus of different body districts in healthy and pathological conditions, including intestinal, lung, vaginal and stomach. provides Pharma and Biotech with high throughput in vitro preclinical models that optimize the development of antimicrobial agents, probiotics, prebiotics and other food integrators. Bac3Gel technological platform enables the production of 3D universal substrates to culture, transport, preserve and deliver bacteria.
Distribution of in vitro preclinical models and consultancy services for pharma and biotech that develop antimicrobial agents, pre- and probiotics and other dietary supplement.
Preclinical in vitro models are distributed in different formats in syringes or multi-well culture plates, to suit conventional test platforms, such as cell monolayers, Transwell® media, PAMPA plates or microfluidics devices.
Daniela Pacheco, Sebastião van Uden, Paola Petrini, Livia Visai, Sonja Visentin
Sebastião van Uden
Phone Number: +351918236302
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