Innovation, entrepreneurship and intellectual property: a discussion of projects from the perspective of funders
Business model, market analysis, funding opportunities: there are all the fundamental elements to know in order to design an innovative project within the webinar organized for Thursday, November 18, from 15 to 16.30, by University For Innovation Foundation (U4I) in collaboration with University of Milan-Bicocca, University of Bergamo and University of Pavia.
The appointment, entitled ‘A successful innovation project: the point of view of funders’, was born from the recent closure of the ‘Innovation Project Fund’ call for proposals promoted by the U4I Foundation, which allowed an important number of innovative projects from the three partner universities to emerge and be formalized. From the good results of this initiative comes the idea of a seminar dedicated to innovation, entrepreneurship and intellectual property addressed to teachers, researchers but also to all those who are interested in these issues: the goal is to discuss what are the distinctive elements of an innovative project, the aspects that are considered valuable, involving the evaluators of the call ‘Innovation Project Fund’. An opportunity to better understand the point of view of those who finance innovative projects of different technological maturity.
The afternoon program includes an introduction by Francesco Peri -University For Innovation – Foundation (U4I) followed by the interventions of Marta Antonucci CEO of Cardiovascular Lab, Misal G. Memeo Investment Manager of VV3TT – Vertis SGR SpA, Maurizio Bettiga Founder of EviKrets Biobased Processes Consultants and Chief Innovation Officer at Italbiotec Srl, and Diego Bosco CEO of Consorzio Italbiotec. The webinar will then continue with a Round Table among the speakers and a space dedicated to remote Q&A.